Face to Face / Virtual Appointment
at Home or in Facilities

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Bridging the gap in health care

Universal Care Access LLC is a health consultant and management company. We are operated by caring, conscientious, knowledgeable, and skilled healthcare professionals.

Universal Care Access LLC is company that assist individuals and their families in identifying and managing daily challenges that are affecting their lives.

Universal Care Access was created in August 2020 during the challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, fear, despair, and sorrow were devastating our nation and the entire world.

Universal Care Access LLC’ purpose is to serve humanity with care, dignity, and unconditional respect.

At Universal Care Access, we do not judge you for your conditions. We assist you in improving or changing your situation completely.

Professionalism, compassion, caring, integrity, devotion, and excellence are guaranteed.

Our Goals

  • To give hope where there is despair.
  • To empower where there is lack of confidence.
  • To advocate where there is powerlessness.
  • To support where there is vulnerability.
  • To embrace where there is resentment.
  • To comfort where there is loneliness.
  • To reach out where there is a lack of services.


  • Provide useful information that can lead individuals to better living based on the challenges they may be facing through individualized and group coaching.
  • Assist individuals and their families in reaching a better living by identifying their needs and tackling the solvable problems and learning to cope with and manage chronic conditions.
  • Advocate, develop individualized, reachable goals and effective interventions which will facilitate better living.
  • Assist individuals in allocating community resources.
  • Offer coaching and teaching for behavior modifications.
  • Assist in developing effective coping and fostering self-care.
  • Make accessible health products, supplements, and equipment that could improve quality of life.
  • Support group to educate on healthy meal preparations, medication management, behavior modification, and coping with chronic illnesses.


  • Client Representative (Advocacy, Health Care Proxy, Power of Attorney Services, Legal Guardianship)
  • Social Events/ Shopping Hub: From time to time, we have indoors or outdoors gatherings for providers, clients, and non-affiliates to enjoy each other’s company, enjoy ourselves and introduce others to our company. We use our events to reach out many and promote healthy lifestyle through a holistic approach.
  • We also make available Wellness Products, Necessary Goods and Medical Devices for shoppers on our website and at our social events.

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